How much is a 1m²

La Falaise urban project
La Jonction, Ginebra (1933-2012)

This project aims to propose a reflection on urban evolution, based on samples of plaster (1 m2) taken from a building in Geneva (La Falaises), already demolished. A juxtaposition of the past and future of our cities immortalizes moments of life through the plaster, achieving a new type of archeology which consists in analyzing the immediate past, the ephemeral present with all its great potential for transformation and moving forward.

Intervention in 500 m² of the city.
rue des falaises 9, la jonction, genève

july 2012 / extraction of 500m²
june 2013 - 2017 / construction of 2500m²

value of 1m² in the evolution of the city?

traces of experienced emotions, vehicule from past to future, to oblivion to memory, and from emptiness to new construction.

a key for reflection…

Cells that register the passage of time.
Traces of emotions and urban wounds that humanize the space and make it OURS.


Exhibition RED ZONE

Genève 2013

Year: 2013

Technique/ Medium: Sculpture. Intervention in the public space.

Collaborators: Elena Alonso Pérez-Ávila (poetry) and Joakim Chardonnens (video)